Particulir carte des Landes und der Schön Weltberuhmte Gegend umb Paris so da ist der grösste Theil des Gouvernem der Insul von Frankreich.
Door: Homann Johann Baptiste
Datering: 1725
Conditie: Uitstekend, handgekleurd (misschien ouder) met vruime marges en middenvouw zoals uitgegeven.
Price: € 145

Regni Galliae seu Franciae et Navarrae Tabula Geographica…
Description: Decorative antique atlas map of France with an elaborate title cartouche based on an earlier geography of Guillaume de L’Isle and updated by the Homanns family.
Door: Homann, Johann Baptist, (1663-1724)
O.a. opgenomen in: Maior Atlas scholasticus ex triginta sex generalibus et specialibus.
Homann’s Maior Atlas was first published in 1716 by Johann Homann, after Johann’s death in 1724 his son ran the business until his death in 1730 and then the firm became Homann Heirs, a combination of family and other geographers who pursued the commercial atlas market with considerable success.
Size: Image app:. 22.25 x 19 inches. (57 x 48 cm.)
Condition: Redelijk, shorter margins, soiled. Folded as published. Verso Blanc.
Price: € 125
